

Emilia Vasquez, LMT
Q: What should you expect at your first massage?

A: We have every client fill out a health history form and review your past injuries, surgeries and accidents. We’re here to help facilitate your health so we encourage an open dialogue with you to ensure you’re receiving the right amount of pressure in the areas most needed. Sometimes those areas are not the areas you feel discomfort. We also educate you on your areas of tightness, range of motion and provide an overview of your care after the session. We ask you to arrive 5-7mins early with your intake filled out.

Q: How should you dress?
A: We always communicate with you to determine the correct amount of pressure desired. During treatment work, we ask you to rate your discomfort on a 1-5 scale and maintain a therapeutic level of pressure below a 5. We want you to accept the work and not fight us so we can work together to resolve your symptoms. With deeper work, sometimes your muscles feel achy the next day. We recommend drinking lots of water before & after ! We recommend heat & an epsom salt bath if you feel any soreness.
Q: What is the best way to contact you? What if I haven't heard from you?
The Best way to contact is Phone 970.238.0056 or Text message. This is the faster response time, with text being the best as I am in appointments or enjoying the outdoors! If you don’t hear from me within 24hrs, I have probably out of reception in the deep wilderness.
Q: How is our style different from other massages?
A: We blend a number of techniques and modalities that have been utilized with great success to produce fast results. Our sessions are educational and encourage you to embody your experience while on the table. You will understand what is causing your discomfort and will be educated on ways to prevent future discomfort and injury. We customize the session to meet your needs based on your intake form, treatment notes and complaints of the day and communicate our plan with you. We also incorporate stretches, basic exercises/strengthening programs, posture and breathing recommendations.